Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

This Week in Grace Fellowship

Men’s Discipleship Breakfast at Grainfield’s on Circle Dr. at 7:45 a.m.  on Mondays  This will be a weekly event until Dec. 20th.  Come for coffee or grab a full breakfast.  Bring your Bible and come prepared to examine the passage in Hebrews corresponding to the Sunday message.

Community We gather in Community Groups with our friends and neighbors to live life together and experience the gospel in ways we can’t on our own. They are a place to wrestle with the truths of the Bible, love one another, serve the city, and participate in the mission of God with Grace Fellowship.  Contact Murray for information about our various Community Groups.

Serving The need for more volunteers is always great–not only to fulfill certain roles, but to demonstrate love and care to our guests. But more than anything, blessing our guests and the church family through simple acts of self-sacrificial service is an act of worship and an opportunity to grow in relationship to each other and Jesus!  Currently we could really use at least one more volunteer in the nursery/children’s ministry.  We also need help setting up chairs etc. Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m.

Hangout with the Grace Leadership team On Saturday evenings we have an informal hangout time from 6 pm. until 9 pm.  It is come and go and there is no set agenda – just time to get to know one another, talk about the Gospel and the vision of the church, play a few games, eat a bit of finger food etc.  This evening provides opportunity to connect with our leaders, ask questions, discuss issues etc.  These evenings can help keep you up to date with what is happening in our church.

Leadership Team Meeting Friday mornings at 6:30 a.m. the Grace Fellowship leadership team meets.  Since I am currently the only elder (though we’re working on that), those men interning with us serve in this capacity so that we can function with a plurality of leaders, until we have more than one elder qualified and appointed.  The current leadership team is Sammy Whitehawk, Clay Bitner, Rob Clark, and myself, Murray McLellan.  If you have items that you would like us to address at one of our meetings, please contact one of us.

Upcoming Events

  • Christmas Musical The musical – “The Lamb of God” will be held on Sunday evening, Dec. 19th at the Sutherland Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.
  • Galaxy Theatre Beginning on Sunday morning, Dec. 12th we will be gathering at the Galaxy Theatre downtown for four consecutive Sundays as we try out this new location.  We are excited about a potential downtown site in the centre of our city that we might better serve the people of Saskatoon for the sake of Jesus and His amazing Gospel.
  • Potluck Meal The first Sunday of the month, Dec. 5th, we share a potluck meal together following our morning service.  We will take some time over this meal to talk about our move to the Galaxy.

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