Seminar: Promise Part 2 (April 20 or 21, 2023)

The saints of all ages groan, look to, and trust in God – in His Promise of a Seed- of an offspring. From Adam’s first transgression, the promise of the true and living God has echoed among the saints: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise [literally “crush”] your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15 KNJV)
Throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, God continues to open up a view of this coming “Offspring” – this promised Deliverer. For every wanderer and pilgrim, for every perplexed soul and grieving sinner, the answer has been the same through the ages: “Look to the promise of Jesus Christ!” Throughout the Old Testament, God wove prophecies and pictures pointing to Jesus.
Join us in our journey through the Promise Pt. 2, as we dig deeper in the Promise in the Old Testament Scriptures. Bring your Bibles, bring your questions, and maybe even invite a friend with questions, you can freely join us in this Interactive Bible Seminar on Thursday or Friday by logging on to Our Hub and signing up or else emailing murray AT
Categories: Announcements