Memory Verse: Week of March 26th

Week of March 26th
a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22b ESV)
[Context: This is God the Father’s own testimony to who Jesus is. This was said at Jesus’ baptism.
God the Father in saying – “this is my beloved Son,” is saying: “He is the same as me. He’s as much God as I am. He’s as worthy of glory as I am. He is to be obeyed as much as I am. His dominion extends where mine does. He’s my Son, come to inaugurate, rule, lead, and unveil my kingdom.”
God the Father is telling everyone that this Jesus is the very Son of God in whom his soul delights!
Jesus is well pleasing to the Father in every conceivable way.
Now the most amazing thing is – for those of us in Jesus – united to Him – God the Father now speaks these words over us! What grace! This is our new identity in Jesus. He has become our righteousness. And we are now treated as Jesus deserves. This position is a purchased gift the flows from the cross of Jesus where he was treated like we deserve.
So when you memorize these words, know first and foremost they are God’s words spoken over his beloved Son Jesus, but also by virtue of our union with Jesus, we can know hear these same words spoken over us! Amazing grace, how can it be?]
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