Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

Advance 13

I don’t know if your schedule allows but the Advance 13 Conference in being livestreamed here:  http://advance13.com/livestream


It begins in just under a couple of hours, and features teachers like Matt Chandler, John Piper, JD Greear, Steve Timmis, David Platt, and more.

The theme is building a faithful and effective church – a church that goes both “deep” and “wide”.  We are at a growing stage in our church plant life that I think we can benefit greatly from this.  If you are able to take in any of the sessions, it would be great and then we can dialog together or with your Gospel community the things that you believe God would have us take hold of and live as a church aiming at God’s glory in all we do to advance the fame of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel.

Here are two teasers:

[vimeo video_id=”47899529″ width=”400″ height=”300″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]

[vimeo video_id=”53890035″ width=”400″ height=”300″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]

Categories: Blog, Church, This Week in Grace