Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)


The Good Shepherd (Warman)

John 10:31-42 (Warman)

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Jesus’ Sheep (Saskatoon)

John 10:22-30 (Saskatoon)

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Jesus, Son of God (Warman)

John 10:22-30 (Warman)

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The Good Shepherd (Saskatoon)

John 10:7-21 (Saskatoon)

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Jesus is the Door (Warman)

John 10:7-21 (Warman)

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The Good Shepherd (Warman)

John 10:1-6 (Warman)

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The Seeing are Blind (Saskatoon)

John 9:35-41 (Saskatoon)

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Judgment (Warman)

John 9:35-41 (Warman)

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