Read Scripture 2017

If you are like many professing Christians, you have not grown as much in all the areas of your life this past year as you had hoped. Is your faith and confidence in God stronger? Has your love for Jesus increased? What about your love for others? Are you humbled by His grace to you? Has Jesus love towards you been joyfully spilling over such that you have been pouring into others to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior?
For myself, I have found a direct correlation between my heart condition to my time communing with God and growing closer to Him in and through the Scriptures.
Christianity is, at its core, based on divine revelation. One of the most breathtaking and astonishing claims in Christian theology is that God has made Himself known. As you read the Bible, you will certainly become more knowledgeable about biblical events, others who have walked by faith before us, and Christian doctrine, but the Bible is more than that. In the Bible, God does not solely give us information, but in some sense He gives us Himself as He makes Himself known. If you spend the next 365 days reading the Bible, you will undoubtedly learn more about the Bible itself, but most importantly, you will grow in your fellowship with and love for God.
God uses the Bible to feed us. Jesus has given His Word to the Church in order to provide nutrition to His people, like a shepherd provides green grass and water for his flock. Jesus reiterates this point when He remarks, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God'” (Matthew 4:4). At a time when so many resolutions will be geared toward health and fitness, consider the health and nourishment of your own soul. The Bible is your support and nourishment.
We would like to invite you to download the Read Scripture app. This was put together as a joint venture with Francis Chan and The Bible Project guys. It contains great videos that help explain the big picture and the context of the unfolding story centered in Jesus. As well, each day, you pray through one of the Psalms. This helps you not just read but also to listen and respond to God for two way communication. Open yourself up to what the Spirit of God wants to say to you through the passages of Scripture.
After you finish your time with God in the Scriptures, share what God taught you with at least one person—your roommate, your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, or your Gospel community. Don’t keep what God taught you to yourself.
Don’t get discouraged if you cannot keep up with the dates given – just continue communing with God in the next day’s passage.
Read Scripture is more of an invitation and a commitment than it is a product. If we would enjoy God through reading His Scriptures, and respond with adoration and action, it would change everything. Join us. Read Scripture.
Categories: Bible, Church